How to prepare for your Pilates Mat Certification?

Congratulations on your decision to become a Pilates Teacher! Mat Certification, usually a Beginner Mat intensive, is the first step in your teaching education. Prerequisites vary by program but typically include taking a minimum number of Mat classes, some Anatomy study or required reading, and memorizing the order of exercises. The minimum number of Mat classes is just that - a minimum. The more classes you can take, the better you will know the exercises and order in your own body and be ready to teach. If you're an advanced Mat student, consider taking a few intro or Beginner classes so that you can focus on the Beginner order and modified versions of the exercises. Start studying your anatomy materials and order of exercises well in advance of your program start date. You need to be able to focus on learning to teach the exercises during your intensive, not what they are or the order they go in. A little preparation will go a long way towards making your certification experience a fun and productive one.

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